// Hair Physics Params
NoiseIntensity = 60
PhysicsPasses = 1
VertexInvMass = 0.5
Drag = 2
ControllerForce = 1.5
GravityHair = 15 // Gravity force applied on the hair
CollisionScale = 10.1 // scale the collision objects by this factor
HairRelaxationIterations = 1
// Hair Growth Params
Numinterp = 3 //1 //6 //3; // new cap
NumSegmentPerBasicBezier= 10 //2; // 6 // # of straight lines per hair (to be smoothed later on)
Basicbezierdivide = 10 //9 //6; // # of time each basic bezier (4 cvs) is divided (tesselated)
FirstLenght = 20; // lenght of the 1st segment
FirstLenghtRand = 0.5; // 20% fluctuation
GrowthPct = 0.50; // % of growth for each succesive segments (relative to the previous one)
GrowthPctRand = 0.60; // % of fluctuation allowed from hair to hair
// hair misc params
VertexPerHairVB = 65534; // we split the hair mesh into several VBs
LODHair0 = 1; // most detailled (in %)
LODHair1 = 0.15; // used for hair self-shadow (in %)
LODHair2 = 0.05; // used for godrays. 0% is capped to "show only control hair"
// Cloth physics
// ClothRelaxationIterations = 5