by PJammin

I kind of have mixed feelings on the situation with Anya. I was a subscriber to her site at one time, but there are those on this board who had been subscribers for years.

Now, one can say it was a purely business relationship - customers give her money and she provides videos and photos in return. But in reality there was emotion, attraction, and attachment by her customers. Not just to her long hair and nails, but something more, perhaps something akin to a friendship from afar.

For her to shut down her site without notice, and leave her customers and online friends wondering about her well-being seems sort of cold. She had a right to do so, sure, as any business would once it fulfilled its contractual obligations - which by all accounts she did.

It would be nice for her after some point to let us know how she is doing, or at least contact her long-time customers and let them know. It would be nice to know if she has cut her hair, or plans to. But of course it is entirely her decision to keep or hair or not, and to inform us or not.

The whole thing seems rather cold and ... abrupt.