by Chris

I was a member of Anya's site for 10 years. During that time, I was in regular contact with Anya. I mean we weren't best friends, but I think we knew each other well enough that she'd know who I was just from my name.

Like with everyone else, I was heartbroken and devastated by her abrupt departure. Like with everyone else, I am curious as to what happened to her that was so profound it caused her to just suddenly stop after 16 years.

It's true that as paying members and people who help support her site, we should be entitled to some explanation. I mean if something happens to her which can affect our paid agreement with her, then we should be told something about it. How much Anya tells us is ultimately up to her, but neither party should be kept fully in the dark when an agreement with money is impacted let alone an agreement between two people who help support her site. That's basic business for you and also about honoring an agreement.

Like with myself, I know many of us had a legitimate love, respect and affection for Anya. Those of us who knew her best knew how sweet, charming and funny she can be. We all want her to be happy and wish her all the best. Whether that means she's still in the hair game or not, she deserves to be happy.

If she's never coming back and is truly out of the hair game for good, then she does not have to tell us how she's doing, what she's doing, how her hair is, etc. She's entitled to privacy and to live a quiet life. If she wants to tell us stuff, then that's her decision. But it feels like it wouldn't make sense to do so because it would, in a way, give off a false vibe that she's still in the hair game when she's really not.

Regardless of how things turned out, she did give us 16 great years that I know we're all forever thankful for. I'd rather have her get out while she's still good than to burn out, become jaded, stay past her prime, etc. I know we'd love to have her do hair stuff forever, but in reality it's unfortunate that it's not possible. We all know eventually she'd have to stop one day. Supermodels can't model forever, pro athletes can't play forever, strippers can't strip forever, etc. 16 years is a long time so even if she did come back you'd have to wonder how long she'd keep going before leaving again.

At least for us members her glory is forever captured on video and in pictures. We can always look back fondly on her glory days even though it can be a bittersweet experience since we know she may never come back.

At least we can take heart knowing she looked good and was in good form for the last time we saw her: