Re: Aliiamore's hair getting...thinner?

by Prince_Maximus

Yeah I noticed that too. Luckily she’s got a lot of hair so it’s hard to believe it’ll be too bad with the hair fall. It’s been a a bad year for for the super long hair community with Rin’s alopecia (impressed and inspired with her resilience & positivity), Leona’s surgery (luckily she didn’t have to cut/shave too much but it’s still unfortunate, wishing her a speedy recovery, issabelle_69 apparently cut her hair recently, with rumors that Roxanna Crinis cut her floor length hair, suzana.lacerda cut her below knee length hair to a bob and then a pixie, Yaniva was shaved bald recently, the famous Feng Ye cut her well beyond floor length hair off and sold it, Italianlace cut her hair again after regrowing it out from a previous cut