a hair job story

by wkkm28hair

I got this from the internet:

Archive-name: Bondage/hairdres.txt

Archive-author: Bon-Vue Enterprises

Archive-title: Bondage, Transvestism, Hairdressing

c 1986 & 1993 Bon-Vue Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Her long flowing, sunkissed and shiny tresses fell in

loose cascading waves just below her firm breasts. While

standing erect, her body began to tremble for she could see

nothing but a light shining ever so bright in her eyes. Her

arms had been tied together behind her back in a very tight

and severe manner. causing her lips and face to occasionally

wince from the pain.

Why was she here? Who was it that brought her here?

What, GOD forbid, was to happen to her? These terrifying

thoughts and many others began racing through her mind and

she quickly became nervous and scared.

Then, out of the blue, she remembered and began putting

the pieces together.

Two nights ago, Susie Silkworth, a radiologists'

assistant and former model, had been working late at the

community hospital. She had been abducted by a man wearing

a ski mask and forced into his car. A few blocks away, he

had made her tie her ankles while he gagged her mouth and

secured her arms. He then forced her into the back eat in a

kneeling position so she could not see where she was being


Three hours later, the car stopped and Susie was

blindfolded before being taken from the car. She was then

swung over the mans shoulder and carried a short distance

and finally lowered to a carpeted flooring. Susie laid on

the floor for what seemed hours before she felt her hair

being tugged upon and raised upward. At that moment the

bonds on her arms were removed and as she felt the buttons

on her blouse being removed she cried out,

"No...stop...p...please don't rape me!"

My voice was harsh and to the point, "Shut the fuck up

bitch...I've got other things on my mind and rape is not one

of them, at least not now!" Susie stood still in total

silence and allowed me to remove her pink blouse and bra

thus exposing her two fabulously formed breasts.

Before she had time to react, I quickly pulled her arms

behind her back and tightly secured them once again. All

that remained on Susie's georgous figure was her white

skirt, which when unbuttoned and unzipped fell to her

ankles. As I reached and lightly touched her pink panties,

Susie's crackled voice uttered, "w...what are you g...going

to do to m...me now?"

Without responding, I carefully lowered her silk

panties just below her private mound and was amazed at how

beautifully shaped her pussy was. Susie was, without a

doubt, a natural blonde as the hair protecting her most

sensitive organ was dark honey in color. Most young women,

especially fair-haired ones, have a sparse amount of pubic

hair surrounding their pussy. Nothing would be farther from

the truth as I gazed at Susie's fully grown and massive

bush!! It was huge to say the least!

After removing the rope from her ankles and lifting out

her skirt and panties, I re-secured the bonds again. I then

walked around Susie and slowly removed the blindfold telling

her in an authoritative tone, "when I say so bitch, you turn

around real slow, got it??" Without provocation, she nodded

her head.

I then went back to my chair and readied the light so I

could better admire my prize captive.

"Ok bitch, start turning around," I barked. Slowly,

Susie began moving her feet and soon faced the bright light.

As I had envisioned in my mind on countless occasions,

Susie Silkworth was indeed an absolute beauty! To say she

was stunning or georgeous or beautiful wasn't enough. She

was more beautiful than any woman I had ever seen in my


To fully enjoy the total beauty of this voluptuous

woman, I first studied her legs which were beautifully

formed; not too thin, just right. My eyes then moved upward

and again became mesmerized by the thick curly blonde hair

between her legs. What a magnificent bush I thought while

being hypnotized by its size and color. After revelling and

admiring Susie's soft honey colored pussy, my eyes focused

upon her superbly formed breasts. They were full and

protruded outward. Her nipples were light in color and

appeared to be soft.

At long last my eyes looked into Susie's face. She had

a most beautiful and flawless complexion, with the exception

of a small beauty mark on her left cheek. Her high cheek

bones gave her a look of aristocracy, despite the fact that

her full succulent lips were trembling ever so slowly.

Susie's pale blue eyes were fully constricted due to the

bright light shinning in them. I could see them dart from

side to side searching out her captor. Finally, after

admiring her model like features, my eyes feasted upon her

very lovely hair. For it was Susie's trusser, first and

foremost that initially attracted me to her eight months


Susie's golden mane was breath taking to say the least!

Even a NON-HAIR FETISHIST would be moved to excitement over

her lush and silky crowning glory. She wore it in a simple

yet very elegant coif; parted in the middle and falling in

ever so casually sensuous and sexy waves which framed her

beautiful face and ended well past her shoulders. At both

temples, the sun streaked hair had been precision cut so

that three inch waves blossomed and framed her forehead and

sides. The pale and dark blonde hair, caused by the sun,

accentuated the waves ever so artistically. Susie was

absolutely stunning and her georgeous blonde hair made her

ever so beautiful!

Now, this prize beauty of sensuous proportions and

magnificent hair was mine to train and tame. When finished,

Susie would become a totally subservient and sexual slave to

my every whim-especially HAIR!!

To begin her training, I got up from my chair and

approached my captive from behind and barked the command,

"Get on your fucking knees bitch...now!" Hearing the words

and the hateful tone of my voice, Susie immediately bent her

knees and dropped herself on the carpeted floor. With hair

brush in hand, I came around front and using my free hand I

forced her head downward saying, "Don't move your head or it

will be more painful...and by the way slave, when I give you

a command your ONLY response is 'Yes, Master', you got that

bitch?" Susie's response was very weak so I instinctively

grabbed a handful of blonde silk and giving it a good jerk

sarcastically said, "I can't hear you slave...speak up

cunt!" This time her voice was much higher in volume and

had a quivering sound as she replied, "Y...Yes, Master...I


Taking my time to enjoy this pleasure, I brought over a

stool and put it in front of Susie's head and slowly brushed

the hair from her nape toward me. As the nylon bristles

were forced into the disarray of blonde silky tresses, my

free hand followed behind allowing my sensitive fingers the

joy of feeling the smooth corn silk texture of her fine sun

streaked mane.

After fifteen minutes or more of unbelievable

exhilaration from brushing and stroking Susie's sensational

hair, my cock swelled to a size I've never seen before.

Quickly, I stood up and dropped my pants and jockey shorts

and sat back down on the stool. Birching forward and back I

immediately grabbed a handful of her hair and began

caressing my erect organ. God did it feel good as I slowly

moved the soft silky hair over my ever so sensitive cock.

Then with both hands, I grabbed her hair and put it all

between my legs legs and began humping her mane. It felt

just like sliding in and out of a wet pussy.

With my continuous moaning and groaning in sheer

ecstasy, not to mention the jerking and tugging to her hair,

Susie had to know what I was doing but never said a word.

I continued thrusting my huge swollen tool into Susie's

soft silky mane. Every so often I slowed down and squeezed

her hair around my stiff organ. Oh God it was wonderful!

Oh how I wanted this feeling to continue forever.

Then before I could control the inevitable, it

happened! I felt the rush and feverishly humped the blonde

hair and within seconds, shot a monumental load of cum into

Susie's crowning glory. Moaning a sigh of contentment, I

carefully milked the remaining substance over her head and

watched as my once huge cock began withdrawing in my hand.

Satisfied that I was through, I picked up the hair

brush and began unravelling the matted and wet hair. As the

brushes teeth found the warm glob of cum, it spread it

throughout Susie's sun streaked tresses.

When all of her hair had been brushed out, I divided

her mane into three sections. I then began braiding slave

Susie's hair paralled to her back. The first and second

crossover sections were brought down tight at her crown.

The third section was overlapped thus creating the first

braid. I purposely pulled it tight which caused Susie to

whimper and moan.

Within ten minutes, my captives once flowing mane of

golden tresses had been transformed to a single braid at her

crown. I secured the end with a specially designed band

which won't cause any breakage of her hair to occur. Then,

leaving Susie on her knees, I walked over to a wall and

brought back a rope with a J shaped hook attached. Bending

over, I carefully entwined the last four inches of braided

hair through the hook.

Returning to the wall, I pulled up the slack in the

rope which caused Susie's braid to rise upward. "Up bitch,"

I barked. "Stand up now!!" As she tried to get to her

feet, I pulled on the rope thus raising Susie by her braid.

She shrieked out in pain as her hair was pulling at her

scalp. All of her body weight was being supported by her

braid as she finally rose to her feet.

After I secured the rope against the wall, I returned

to face my terrified captive. She was standing erect and

her virtual braid held her in place.

"I'll be back for you later slave. In the meantime,

you can begin thinking of ways you can serve me...your


Four hours later I returned and found Susie just as I

left her, standing ever so erect. As I came forward, I

noticed her legs were trembling from the strain. I looked

into her glassy eyes and said "when I finish with you bitch,

you will be totally subservient to my every wish. Now tell

me slave, what have you to say?" In a shaking voice, Susie

uttered, "You'll n...never get me to that p...point...I'll

withstand any...anything you do...you c...can't make me

change my will, no n...never, I'll n...never give in to you.

Hearing her defiant words, I ran back to the wall and

untied the rope and gave a hard jerk causing Susie to yell

out in pain as the braid yank her upward. I lowered it just

to where her toes touched the floor and retied the rope.

She began screaming and yelling, "Oh p...please, I

d...didn't mean that, please let me d...down...I'll d...do

anything you ask, oh my h...hair, it hurts so much...oh

p...please let me down...my scalp is b...burning from the

p...pain, oh my hair m...my beautiful hair...I c...can't

take it anymore...Oh God please let me down!!"

"Too fucking late bitch," I grumbled back into her

face. "You'll learn that I am the Master and you are the

slave. "Susie's eyes enlarged and her mouth fell open. She

became terrified when I finally said, "It's just as well you

start your HAIR torture NOW!!

She continued her wailing and begging as I left the

room in search of my favorite "Toys" for bondage and

discipline. Two hours later I returned. Much to my

surprise, Susie had adjusted to the enormous pain inflicted

to her scalp by being "hung by her hair." She stood ever so

still on her toes and watched me as I walked again to the

wall. "Oh God, no, no more...I beg of you...I can't take it

any longer...my heads on fire from the pain...oh please,

have mercy on me...I'll do anything, anything you

want...only, I beg you...don't hang me again," she cried out

in desperation.

Holding the rope taunt, I raised it upward one inch.

To Susie's surprise she rose up on her tippy toes and

screamed out again, "Oh no, no more, oh God it hurts so,

please let me down."

In minutes, my blonde captives legs were trembling and

she lost her balance. She began swaying to and fro,

searching frantically with her toes for the floor which

would ease the immense pain to her scalp. She then started

lurching and twitching as the pain became unbearable. Soon

her cries and sobs turned to wails of screams as she yelled

out, "Oh p...please Master, let m...me down, I j...just

can't...take this any...anymore, oh my h...hair, it's

p...pulling so hard and it h...hurts so much, p...please, I

b...beg you, oh please h...help me!!"

To my dismay and to Susie's delight, her toes finally

found the carpeted floor and she quickly adjusted by

stretching her toes to alleviate the incessant pair to her


Before this initial training had begun, I had mounted

my VCR on a tripod to capture all the events which Susie

Silkworth would endure. Also, the single spot light aimed

at her was the only light and it shined directly on her

dangling torso.

As I walked toward the camera, my bound and hair hung

captive didn't dare move her head for fear of loosing her

balance again. I checked the tape and had over an hour of

playing time left.

I then sauntered toward the wall opposite where the

rope had been tied off and turned on the overhead lights

thus illuminating the entire dungeon.

This very unusual structure had been built underground

during the 1950's as a bomb shelter. The man room was 20 x

40. It had a private bathroom, kitchen and bedroom with a

king size bed. The main room made the perfect "play-room",

primarily because it was totally soundproof! It would be in

this room where slave Susie would be tortured and tormented

by her hair and finally succumbing to be my lifelong slave.

The moment the overhead florescent lights were on I

looked at Susie for an expression. She didn't let me down

as her mouth went agape and I heard a rush of air enter her

swollen lips. Her tear swollen eyes enlarged in disbelief

at the surroundings. Then, total fear encompassed her face

for she knew what was to happen and couldn't believe it!!

Directly across from where Susie was tiptoing was a

cross rack which had leather restraints for wrists and

ankles. It was built twelve inches from the wall and made

of heavy 4x4 lumber. Next to the cross ties was a long

narrow table, measuring a mere 16 inches. At one end there

was leather shackles and at the other, a round drum

measuring twelve inches in diameter. This was the "Rack" in

which to stretch a captive and break her will.

Susie then strained her eyes to her right and saw the

following; an old fashioned barber chair equipped with

leather restraints for wrists, arms, shoulders and legs. In

front of the chair was a large rectangular mirror. Between

the mirror and the antique chair was a shampoo basin. On

either side of the basin were cabinets which had all sorts

of paraphernalia of a hairdresser's profession. Susie

viewed this with apprehension as her eye brows flinched a

time or two.

Seeing enough of that, my hung captive strained her

eyes to the left and was startled at what her swollen blue

eyes saw. There were many chains and ropes dangling

downward. Some were fixed while others had been looped

through pully's at the top of the eight foot ceilings. It

was on this side of the room where I had gone to hang Susie

by her hair.

After viewing what was to be her fate, Susie's eyes

caught mine and in a scared, quivering and apprehensive

voice asked, "Oh please Master, I'll do anything you ask,

only not..." Her voice trailed off. Then it picked up

again after several hard swallows. "I b...beg you Master,

spare me of all th...this, oh God why m...me? What do you

want of m...me? W...why are you doing this to m...me? Oh

God...I d...don't believe this is h...happening!!"

With that last quivering remark, Susie lost her balance

again. She began jerking uncontrollably and with every

unconscious jolt, a sharp pang of pain raced through to her

scalp. The scorching pain was unbearable as she submitted

scream after death defying scream as her blonde hair held

her off the floor!!

I left my voluptuous and sensual slave to retire to the

bedroom for a nap. In time, she would regain her balance

and then again maybe she wouldn't I thought.

In six hours, I returned and as I had expected, my

flaxen haired beauty was again standing erect on her tip

toes. As I entered the chamber and approached her, Susie

tried to speak but only gasping air slithered over her lips.

She continued and failing with each attempt finally rolled

her eyes back and quit. She had obviously had enough and

this was only stage one.

Releasing the rope which had kept Susie upright, she

fell to the floor in an unconscious manner. I removed the

hook from her golden braid and carefully unwrapped each

section. Finally, her mane was set free.

I then dragged my duped victim to the cross rack and

leaned her up against it. Carefully, I removed the bonds

holding her arms behind her back and placed them, one wrist

at a time in the leather cuffs. Lastly, I untied her ankles

and placed each one in the appropriate slot thus

spreadeagling my blonde captive.

Again, I was drawn to the enormous mass of honey blonde

curls between Susie's spread legs. As I stroked the

softness of her mound, Susie's body began moving forward and

back ever so slowly. I wondered if she knew what was

happening o if my caressing caused her to respond in such a

sensual manner. All the while I was fondling with her

pussy, Susie's head remained slumped forward. Her wavy hair

fell downward past her breasts and ended below her waist.

Not wanting to fuck her in this current state, I left

the room and went to the kitchen for dinner. It would be

more meaningful and sensual when she would feel my huge

prick between her legs.

Three hours elapsed before I returned and found Susie

very much awake and aware of her situation. As soon as I

came into the chamber, she spoke out, "Ok Master...you're

the boss...whatever you want, I'll do it, only please let me

down so I can show you, please...please let me down."

I nodded my head with approval saying, "Ok bitch, what

are you saying? What would you do for me? Tell me more you

worthless cunt!!"

Susie responded instinctively, "Oh Master, I will serve

you, wait on you, anything you want... I'll suck your big

cock, you name it and slave Susie will please you...only

please Master, let me down, I beg you my Master."

To which I responded, "that doesn't sound sincere

enough slave. I think you need more training. When I'm

through, you'll know it."

Walking over to the table near the barber chair, I

retrieved the hair brush and returned facing Susie. As I

began brushing her glorious mane, she began talking

uncontrollably, "You can do anything you want to me but

please Master...spare my hair. Don't hang me again. It

hurts so much. My tresses are my crowning glory and I do

LOVE MY HAIR. It's how I got my start as a model. Without

my georgous hair, I wouldn't have been able to do all those

commercials...you know the ones for Fabergi shampoo, Wella

conditioner and Ogilvie perms. Only I've never had a perm,

ever...I'm scared it would ruin the soft silky texture of my

hair...only, I'm terrified at the thought...all those tiny

curlers in my head...oh, how heavy and tight they would be,

not to mention how unflattering and unfeminine...I get

nervous just thinking and talking about perms...So, please

Master, I beg you, I'll do anything for you, but please

spare my hair!!"

Without letting me get a word out, Susie continued in a

scared mumbling tone about her hair. "Oh God, I d...don't

know what I'd do if anything happened to my hair...Yea, I

know I've got a sensational body and how I love to tease

guys with my moves, but when I shake my head and feel all

those tousled curls and waves move...oh how sexy and

feminine I feel...I just know it's got to turn them on. Oh

Master...Master, I can't beg you enough...please spare my


I had no idea how much Susie loved her hair. If she

only knew what I had in store for her and her magnificent


Finally finishing the brushing of the right side of her

most beautiful hair, I divided three sections on this side

and began the braiding process again. This time, I braided

her hair down past her left breast. When finished, it

measured a full 16 inches long. I quickly did the left side

the same as the right. The back section of her golden

tresses escaped the braiding ordeal and was allowed to hang

down my captives back.

With both sides tightly braided, I left momentarily

only to return with two 1 inch dowels which were 15 inches

in length. Under each extended arm and at the center of the

cross rack was bolted a 2x4 going horizontal. I inserted

each dowel in the appropriate hole and then left to get the

hooks and chains.

When I returned, the blonde braided Susie watched in

total stark terror. I grabbed the left braid, gave it a

jerk, which caused her to wince and entwined it through the

hook which had 10 inches of heavy chain attached to it.

This slight weight was enough to force Susie's head to tilt

to the left. Seconds later, the right side was hooked. She

was ready!

I left my spread eaglet captive long enough to get the

cone shaped weights which would add 25 lbs. to the already 5

lbs. of chain and hook on each braid. Upon seeing the

weights in my hands, Susie screamed out at the top of her

lungs, "Oh no, please no Master...Oh God no...it's going to

hurt like hell." Her yelling quickly turned to sobs and

tears streamed from her eyes. There was nothing she could

say or do to stop the inevitable.

Holding a weight in each hand, I approached her closer

and watched her tear swollen eyes bulge as I slid the hook

at the top of each cone through the chain; first to the

left, then to the right. Still holding the weights in my

hands, I pierced into Susie's face. Total fear had gripped

her which was reflected in her mouth wide open and eyes

bulging. She held her breath and then suddenly, without

warning, I let both weights drop from my hands. They fell

over twelve inches before stopping. Susie's head lurched

forward then back then forward again. Her screams were

intense, like nothing I've ever heard before.

With her head hanging down, I left the chamber. Her

screaming and crying out was more than I could handle.

It was now quiet in my bedroom as I scoured through

several hairdressing manuels addressing the subject of

Permanent Waving. I read and studied the detailed drawings

for several hours and finally decided Susie's fate.

Before retiring, I went out into the chamber and

observed my soon-to-become slave. Her cries and screaming

had subdued to constant sobbing. She had apparently gotten

used to the fifty pounds of weight holding her head down.

I removed the cone shaped weights and sat them on the

floor. With her head still slumped forward, I braided the

back section of Susie's hair. When this pleasurable task

was done, I attached a hook through it which had over

fifteen inches of nylon rope at the end. The rope then was

placed through an O ring mounted in the wall behind the

cross rack. As I pulled the rope, Susie's head slowly rose

upward. I then secured the rope.

Her eyes were swollen and shut from the unbelievable

pain which she had just endured for the past several hours.

Breaking and moving the smelling salts under her nose

quickly revived my captive braided slave. I held it under

her nose for some time, making sure she was totally

conscious and awake.

Licking her dry lips, Susie tried to speak but nothing

came forward. She tried and tried but not a word was heard.

As I reached down and grabbed the weights again, she

cried, "Oh n...no...n...no more...oh p...please...M...Master

its p...pulling my h...hair out...I c...can't take it

again...it h...hurts so m...much...oh God, does it hurt!!

With her head held erect, her blonde braids on the

outside of the dowels hanging downward, I again put the cone

weight through the chain and dropped them together.

Susie's scream continued with the moment the weights

were dropped. The braid at her back kept her head from

linching forward. Now she was feeling the pain to her

entire scalp.

Her incessant wailing continued until I closed the door

to the bedroom.

Upon awakening at 9 a.m., I had breakfast and began

dressing up for the second day of training. Today, I was to

become Susie Silkworth's personal hairdresser.

After putting on my orchid colored pants and black high

heels (4 inch spikes), I strapped a heavily padded bra on

and covered it with a tight fitting floral sweater. I then

sat down in front of my make-up area and for over thirty

minutes carefully applied false eyelashes, mascara, a hint

of rouge to my cheeks and finally a flame red lip gloss.

Lastly, I went to my wardrobe and choose a light auburn

style. This was coifed like an Egyptian Sphins; it fanned

out in a mass of heavy curls at the side and back. It had

full bangs which fell over my forehead, almost into my eyes.

I fluffed the sides and back with a pick and arranged my

bangs. Then I looked into the mirror for approval. Damn if

I didn't look like a sexy woman, even for a transvestite!

The expression on Susie's face was incredible as I

entered the chamber and sauntered over and stood before her.

She was obviously still in a great deal of pain, but my

entrance caused her to query the person who stood before and

looked into her eyes.

When I finally spoke, she recognized the voice and her

expression was of pure shock and disbelief! She continued

starring at my attire and make-up as I extended my hands

toward the cone weights and removed them simultaneously. A

sigh of relief over came her as her lungs filled with air

and she began breathing normal again.

I reached behind and removed the rope and hook which

was attached to the braid at Susie's back. The moment I

took the hook from the braid, her head slumped forward. She

apparently had passed out from the excruciating pain. The

terrific pain she had endured surely drained any reserves of

strength or stamina.

When I bent down and removed the leather ankle

restraints which spread Susie's legs outward, each leg

automatically fell below her suspended torso. She had no

strength left. After her wrists were removed, she fell

forward into my arms. I then carried her over and plopped

her into the barber's chair. With her head of three braids

hanging off the back of the chair, I quickly secured her

ankles and wrists.

By now, my slave-to-be had endured over 24 hours of non

stop hair torture and torment. She was beginning to break

from the pain and fatigue. In time, I pondered, in time,

this prize beauties psyche will break and she'll be mine.

Bringing the stool behind her and sitting down, I

slowly unbraided her golden locks. When all three were

done, I instinctively started to brush out the braids and

gather all her hair together.

After some time of brushing her beautiful golden hair,

I felt her head move. She was now ready!

As I stood up from the stool and turned the chair

around, Susie's eyes met mine and in a trembling voice said,

"Oh please Master...cut off all my hair...I know that's what

you want to do to me...please I beg you...I can't take the

pain anymore...it's too much...I've never felt pain like

that before...oh, I beg you Master...cut my hair off...cut

it all off!!"

Without saying a word, I lifted her weakened head and

gathered her golden tresses and put them into the shampoo

bowl. When the warm water hit her head, Susie's eyes

closed. Slowly, I worked the shampoo into her locks. God,

did it feel good running my fingers through her silky

shampooed mane. For the second washing, I scrubbed harder

with my fingernails causing Susie's body to twitch and

squirm in her bonds. She tried ever so hard to speak,

emitting only short gasps of air. Finally she cried out,

"S...stop, oh p...please stop...that's killing me...it hurts

so much...my head is so t...tender.

When her hair was "squeaky clean," I raised her up and

turned the chair facing the mirror. Beginning at her nape,

I carefully began combing out the long, wet and matted hair

with a wide tooth comb. In ten minutes, the now darkened

blonde mane hung dripping wet awaiting its final fate.

To test how well Susie's will had deteriorated, I

pulled from the drawer a very small blue permanent wave rod

and held it to her face and in a demanding voice asked,

"what is this for, slave?...What would you like your

hairdresser to do with it?"

Her mouth went agape as her eyes focussed on the perm

rod in disbelief. She then began stammering and stuttering

and finally saying, "A p...perm...permanent wave

r...rod...oh, I I d...don't believe it...oh God...this

c...can't be h...happening to

m...m...me...y...you're...n...not going to p...perm me, are

you Master? Oh n...no Master...please...d...don't p...perm

me...Oh God...no, I b...b...beg you."

"Shut the fuck up cunt," I yelled, while grabbing a

handful of wet hair and giving it a stern jerk. "Have you

forgotten, you are my fucking slave and I will do anything I

want to you? As I begin winding your hair bitch, you better

not move your fucking head is that clear cunt, is it??"

Susie immediately nodded her head and as her eyes met mine

in the mirror said, "Oh yes Master, yes, it's clear...I will

be very still for you while you p...p...perm my h...h...hair

but, I'm so sc...scared and ner...ner...nervous."

Standing behind my very frightened blonde beauty, I

began sectioning the wet sun streaked hair. When I was

through, there were six awaiting sections to be permed.

Beginning at Susie's right nape area I wound a small

blue rod toward her scalp at the end, gave it a hard twist

causing my bound captive to submit a whimper. "Oh-h that

smarty Master", was her squeamish reply. I wound two more

of the same rods and secured them just above the first. The

fourth rod was wound downward and it rested on the third


I then went to the cabinet and brought back two

fourteen inch knitting needles and with a surgeon's

precision, placed each through the rubber band of the fourth

rod and forced the end between the second and third rod.

Susie winced as each needle penetrated through the rollers

and slightly gouged her already tender scalp.

The fifth and subsequent rods in this section were

wound in a downward motion and placed upon each other. The

rubber band on each rod was brought over the two needles

which projected outward at a 65 degree angle. The method I

was using is called 'stack perming'. When completed, it

will create a mass of voluminous curls; tight at the nape

and billowing outward.

With the back right section completed, I admired my

skill and counted 25 rods, all angling outward. All Susie

could see and feel at this stage were the two needles

sticking upward at the back of her head. She had no idea

she was being stacked!!

Continuing on the right side, I deftly wound another 25

small blue rods in the very same manner as before. Then

lastly I completed the area above her ear which needed only

15 rods.

As I turned the chair to the left to begin the

remaining three sections, Susie gasped at the reflection in

the mirror. What she saw was 65 blue permanent wave rods

angling outward and upward from her head, held fast and in

place by the knitting needles. She had that look of total

disbelief and I expected her to say something but no words

came forth; only silence and awe gripped her expression.

Beginning at the back left section, I wound two rods

tightly to Susie's scalp. The third rod stopped

perpendicular tot he second. It was here that I again drove

the knitting needles through that rods rubber bands and into

my trembling patron's scalp. Feeling the needles penetrate

her head again caused Susie to whimper a painful groan.

Taking a one half inch section and winding downward, I

stopped just below the needles and fastened the rubber bands

around them; thus the rod held suspended above the two nylon

objects. It took almost twenty minutes to completely wind

23 more rods which suspended outward at a 90 degree angle

from slave Susie's head.

I did the same to the fifth section which took another

25 rods. Above her left ear, I wound two rods close to her

scalp and then, as before, completed this section with

thirteen additional curlers, netting fifteen.

Before allowing Susie the opportunity to see the new

transformation, I turned her so her head faced the mirror

and she looked out into the torture chamber.

I stepped back to admire my hairdressing skills. The

right side had six needles angling upward containing 65 blue

perm rods while the left side had the same number but were

protruding outward at a 90 degree angle. There was a total

of 130 rods used, a number I've never used before and I was


Finally, I slowly turned the chair around so my blonde

captive would see what had taken over one hour to complete.

Her eyes bulged and her mouth opened wide at the reflection

in the mirror of her once flowing wavy tresses now were

bound in so many permanent wave rods awaiting their torment.

Not believing her eyes, she blurted out in a frightened

tone, "wh...what have you d...done to my h...hair? It looks

so unnatural with those things sticking out from my head.

It's so h...heavy...oh, m...my hair...wh...what's it

c...called...wh...what's it going to d...do...oh,

Master...I'm s sc...sc...scared...p...please tell me this

isn't h...h...happening to me...oh my beautiful h...hair!

Oh God, I'll d...don't p...perm me!!"

Hearing her pleading and begging only got me more

excited! I quickly went to the cabinet and produced three

permanent wave kits. Seeing the Olgivie perm boxes was one

thing, but when I opened each one and brought the small

bottle containing the perm solution and passed it under

Susie's nose, there was no denying it now; Susie Silkworth,

at age 24, young and beautiful with an absolutely georgeous

mane measuring over 20" of sun streaked virgin hair was only

minutes away from her very FIRST permanent wave!!

Her breathing quickly hastened as I draped two towels

over her bare shoulders and neck. Her eyes darted from side

to side then became fixed as I snipped the bottles. It was

about to happen!

With precision, I began dousing each rod at Susie's

right side. Her nose wrinkled as the fumes from the

permanent wave solution penetrated her nostrils. She

starring into the mirror, as if hypnotized, while I moved

from section to section squirting the dastacilly solution

over her capitally held rods.

When all three bottles were dispensed on Susie's hair,

I brought a very large plastic bag behind her and covered

the protruding 130 rods; being ever so careful not to

disturb the needles. I then brought over an old salon type

hair dryer and slowly lowered it over her head.

Seeing the dryer cover her headful of perm rods,

smelling the wave solution and not being able to convince

her captor otherwise, Susie closed her eyes in hopes that

what was happening was just a dream. She had finally

succumbed and was mine!!

Lastly, I set the timer for 18 minutes and then retired

to the kitchen for a well deserved drink. As I watched from

the window, Susie's eyes were still closed and she clutched

the arm raster with clenched hands.

I had just finished my second scotch when I heard the

buzzer sound off.

After raising and moving the dryer out of the way, I

ever so carefully removed the plastic bag over her head.

Slowly removing the rubber band, I unwound one rod to check

for the desired curl pattern. To my joy and adulation, the

perm had taken as a very, very tight S formation appeared

before my ecstatic eyes.

I quickly spun Susie around and lowered her head and

all 130 perm rods into the basin. Next, I rinsed the entire

head of dark blonde hair wound on blue rods for over ten

minutes. Satisfied, I raised her up again, facing away from

the mirror.

The final stage of neutralizing was about to begin.

This process sets the wave and makes it PERMANENT!!

As I satuated each curl with this very pleasantly

fragrance solution, Susie's eyes were still tightly shut and

her hands continued their strong hold on the chair.

After the alleviated time, I re-lowered her head of

blonde rods and thoroughly rinsed them for over fifteen

minutes. When finished, I raised Susie back up and blotted

each and every rod with a towel to remove any excess


With her back still facing the mirror, I began the

archious task of delicately removing each rod; being ever so

careful not to stretch her long hair. The back now done, I

moved in front to face my stunned captive.

She finally opened her eyes and in a sheepisly

quivering voice asked, "wh...what's h...happened to my


In a calm reply, I said, "You'll see soon enough my

dear. Now, I'm going to release your right wrist and you'll

know what to do, I'm sure."

With that, I lowered my orchid colored pants and my

throbing cock lurched forward. Without hesitation, Susie's

fingers reached for and encompassed my enlarged organ and

began stroking it ever so gracefully.

Tilting her head, I began removing more perm rods while

Susie continued sliding her hand up and gently fingering my

outstretched organ. God did it feel good!!

At long last, all 130 rods were free and as I had

expected, the results were absolutely sensational. The left

side of Susie's head had a voluminous mass of curls

beginning just above her ear and extending outward. It was

this side that had been permed with the needles angled

perpendiular from her head. All of her hair, most of which

was permed at the end, created a starburst of tiny curls and

was supported by the tight curls close to her head.

The right side was even more magnificent as it burst

into ringlets at her nape and continued up and above her

head. This side had the needles angled at 60 degrees.

Susie looked up and caught the expression of how

pleased and excited I was at the results. She could feel in

her hand my cock swelling to unbelievable proportions as I

deftly touched ever so gently the freshly permed blonde

curls. My heart began throbbing at a rapid rate a I slid my

sensative fingers through the cool and soft wetness of newly

formed waves and curls.

Relishing in the enjoyment and total satisfaction of

touching my new creation, I held back time after time from

permatively ejaculating. God, did Susie's hair feel fine

and how I loved touching and finger combing her blonde


Instinctively, I began lunging my cock into Susie's

hand. The stroking of her fresh curls made me mad with

excitement. Oh how I wanted this feeling in my fingers to

continue forever!!

Then, without warning, I lurched up and forward on my

toes, grabbed as much of her hair as my hands could find and

shot a stream of cum all over my bound patron.

After splashing her, Susie's hand slowly and carefully

fondled my prick, milking the remaining cum which squired on

her leg.

Upon opening my eyes, I released my grip on her hair

and looked down at my tethered blonde beauty. As our eyes

met, she smiled and said, "Was I good Master?"

"You were better than good, "I replied, "simply

fantastic!" She continued smiling at me while massaging my

organ. The look on her face and in her eyes was that of

wanting to be fucked. "Later," I softly said, "we'll do it

after your coiffuer is finished."

After reaching down and taking my cock from her

dripping hand, I re-wrapped her wrist to the chair and went

to get the heat lamps.

Standing behind the chair, I adjusted the eight lamps

from her head and then turned the switch on full power. It

would take over forty-five minutes to process and dry

Susie's hair since she had alot of it, it was long and the

curls and waves were so very tight.

Satisfied that there was nothing more to do, I went

into the kitchen and after awhile returned with a tray of

crackers, cheese and two glasses of wine.

Bringing up a chair, I sat down in front of Susie and

fed her for the first time in two days. She almost choked

trying to swallow the crackers so I quickly held the glass

of wine to her sensual lips and she gulped the liquid

frantically. I continued feeding my slave until all the food

from the tray was gone.

This spare amount of nourishment seemed to give Susie a

lift as she said, "Oh Master, please

tell me how my hair looks...I'm so anxious to see my new

coif!...is it as curly and beautiful as your auburn coiffuer

Master?...Oh, I can't wait to see it and feel it...I've

never had curls before...How much longer under these lamps

before I'm done...Oh Master, I'm so anxious to see my



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