by romeopapa Website: The Long Hair Club

I know there's no way for you to know this, but after making some inquiries, I was able to find out that your posts consistently garner in the area of 1,000 hits! Your two recent posts with the title in German were each hit around 2,000 times!!! So I just wanted you to know, so you don't think that no one is interested, just because they don't reply, we have hundreds and hundreds of lurkers here, apparently. You have built yourself a great reputation on this board, and everyone knows your posts are never a disappointment! One thing I did notice, though. For one example, your title post had over 1,200 hits. you waited a couple days to actually post the link, and the thread that contained the link only got 40 hits. So obviously a lot of the lurkers here need instant gratification, and don't bother to come back for the follow-up. Too bad. Their loss. I know for myself, I always make it a point to check back to see if/when you have posted the link to your teaser. Always worth the wait, and the anticipation (for me, anyway) just heightens the experience. Thanks for all you do, and please don't stop!!

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