i th¿nk,,she said >

by pc

sorry,,marianne..hope u don't mind..your every word inspires me.


traurig, marianne..hope u nicht mind..your jedes Wort anspornt mich.

it helps me to read translations to better understand a person's way of thinking.


es hilft mir, Übersetzungen zu lesen, um die Weise einer Person des Denkens besser zu verstehen.

[a person that i admire, i might add]

[and i might add> i know olli,,like a brother,,now that i understand his way of speeking. sorta,,'gerenglamanish'...lol...]

this is what you said,,translated at


[is it close?]


thank you for your radix complement! It makes me happy, if my photos inspire you to dreaming... Hair lured for a long time, easily and the appropriate background create very fast a beautiful romantic Ambiente. Here are a few older examples, which energize you perhaps still more for dreaming. Which pleases you best?

[[the WOW pix/hair]]

Now however back to the actual question whether my hair is always summer an agony. It is natural under long hair, particularly if they are dark very warmly. I call my hair often jokeful my own genuine long hair fur. Grins if it however is so much warm, e.g. now here in Germany, then I carry actually my hair never openly. There I prefer a twisted Zopf/Pferdeschwanz or a Dutt, so that the hair does not disturb actually.

Naturally the care of my hair is very complex, but I got accustomed well to it. For example I use a special hair spray with light protection factor in the summer, if I go for several hours into the sun. My hair bleaches from nature in the sun very fast out, which one can recognize well by the different colored straehnen. Unfortunately these hair portions are then also as with chemically hair bleached with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) very in need of care and splissanfaellig. But my hair are up to now owing to spray still very well!

Love of greetings back to Germany, Marianne


love german..cool...

mexican/spanish get's me..

things are said backwards and a double-negative is proper.

[ain't got nuttin else]



[and thanks,,uncle,,4 gittin her to talk]

[pix hotlink]
