Hi Guys,
YES my site is gone. I've always been upfront and honest with you all and I won't stop now. Some have suggested that I tell you all a different story, but I would really feel uncomfortable with that. Here goes nothing:
October 16th I filed for divorce from "Mr. L". Things with the split were going well until Sunday night, November 2.
Long story short, he found out I am with someone else, became enraged, somehow hacked my password and logged into my godaddy server, changed the password so I couldn't get back in & then proceeded to shut the site down & cancel the server account. I wasn't paying GoDaddy to do my backups, he was doing them, so nothing could be retreived. I have all of my content on discs, but the site as it was is kaput. He did the same to my email, ultimately shutting it down as well. I have been unable to mail my members to let them know what happened, and am in the process of cancelling all of their subscriptions at CCBill so their cards do not get rebilled. I'm so pissed off right now because of this, he totally killed it all. I won't go into all the technical details of this crap, I'm dealing with it one day at a time. He thinks what he did is funny, and his smugness and snickering goes right to my core. I know somehow someway he broke the law and I've been talking with local and federal law agencies to get help pursuing this in a legal atmosphere, even if I have to sue him in a civil court. He really fucked me but good, pardon my french, but that's it in a nutshell. I'm fucked.
I AM taking steps to get back online, and until I can have the funds to hire a webdesigner to build me a new site, I will most likely be doing a site & cams over at Clips 4 Sale until I can get myself back to where I was before. I don't know how long that will take though. I think my new site will feature just myself with an occasional guest model or two, called leonaslonghair.com. I own several domain names related to longhair just haven't decided which one I want to use now. I still have LongHairDivas domain, but it just wouldn't be the same you know?
I have some new photos of my hair that we took while on a bike ride this past weekend, I don't know how I could show them to you guys here, other than at my longhairdivas yahoo group. I'll do that and come back and post the link.
My New Man...
The failure of my marriage was not due to the new person in my life, I don't want ya'll to think I'm a cheating slut, lol. My marriage has been broken for many years now and I've just been waiting for the "right time" to make my departure. Back in September I had met up again (email) with my old high school sweetheart and it turns out we were both going to be back in KY at the same time in October and decided to meet up in person and see where it took us. I was up there for a family member who was having surgery but we were able to spend some great time together. I wasn't going to leave Florida until December/January, but I just couldn't stand being in that house anymore living a lie. I wanted out so bad!!
And guess what ya'll??? He is a longhair lover. I am stoked!! He really does LOVE my hair and it's so sexy and exciting to see and be with someone who enjoys it and loves to play with it, help me shampoo it, comb it, love with it, and all that GOOD stuff
. My soon to be ex didn't like my long hair in a sensual manner. It always had to be up in a bun and out of the way. I am so happy ya'll, feel so much better and livelier, ALIVE. He loves that part of me and I couldn't be more grateful for this.
And yes, he knows about my site, and everything, and is just fine with what I do. He's upset about what happened, but is giving me lots of love and support with my efforts to get things straightened out.
So that's the story, the truth, the low down, lol. Like I said, I'm just taking it one day at a time. I really don't know of any other way to deal with it.
To any LHD member that reads this, I am so sorry this has happened, more than you'll ever know. I will be back though.
Love to All