Sorry to hear about your marriage and the childish actions of your soon to be ex-husband.
As for your new guy, glad to hear he loves your long blonde silk. If for some reason he starts to waiver in his devotion to one of your most beautiful assets...please contact me!
As for some folks that have mentioned refunds please keep in mind, Leona said her site was hacked. If the slimeball sleazebag *sshole of an ex tries to bill your credit cards, do the following:
1. Immediately report your card as stolen
2. Immediately report this information to Leona
With information like this, Leona can not only press civil charges (theft, deception, fraud) but it can also be referred to the US Attorney's Office for CRIMINAL charges. Hey, if he doesn't like a woman's beautiful long blonde hair let's send him somewhere that he can experience short hair and the more anal of sexual stimulation!
Keep you head high and you hair long and blonde!