u posted/tested
[URL=http://www.hostmyjpg.com/i/250239903_hairjob.jpg] [IMG]http://thumbs.hostmyjpg.com/250239903_hairjob.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
this was all you needed to post [the one with /i/ in it goes to their pic page]
direct link
ht tp://img.hostmyjpg.com/250239903_hairjob.jpg
[without space]
note: i don't allow pix with watermarks on the woman,,at PCs.
we are pic collectors,,BUTT,,if you want to advertise there,,,
at least one 'clean' pic and your link...mods will delete ennie others.
[others,,with pay sites,,understand this and do post there]
i understand you are trying,,BUTT,,your sample pix are,,not really,,longhair related.
PCs is a lh forum.......