Hey Guys!! So, check this out, I needed a roomate, cuz my son moved out and went to college, so, I wasent really to worried about renting the room,and figured I'd just put in a perfect add!! I live in So. California, next to 3 universitys, one of them full of asain!!! So, I run this add on Craigslist blah blah blah, and after about 5 girls show up to look at the room, I get the one I was hoping for! She's 23, straight from China, here on a masters degree with one year left to go to school. The day she comes over to look at the room, I'm sittin at my computor lookin at, what else, LONG HAIR!!!LOL!! Anyway, She knock on the front door, and I go down to answer it. I open it up, and there stands this 100 lb. 5"4" asain girl! I can see she's got her hair down her back, so I shack her hand, waiting to get her in the door so I can see how long her hair is! After what seemed like forever, I finally say,"well, come on in and I'll show u the room, it's upstarirs", and I swing the door open so she has to walk past me to get in. As soon as she walks past me I'm still looking her in the eye, I feel something down by my privates, I think for a second, oh, it must just be her purse brushing up against my crouch, just then, I look and see her purse on the other side or her shoulder, and just then I looked down and holy shit.......she has that thick ass straight, heavy like phillipeno hair, down past her frickinwaist to the middle of her ass!! Dudes!! I started gettin all sweaty palms, and excited as all hell! Then, I had to follow her up 3 flights of stairs, she went first of course, so my face was like 12 inchs from her ass, with her long frickin hair brushing back and forth over her ass, and I could totally smell her hair etc!! I probely non chaluntly touched it like 5 times in 10 min!! After she left, I soooo had to take care of myself....like 3 times in a couple hours!! Heres the best part, She moved in 4 days ago, and not only is she small, tight, and crazy ass long hair, she cooks for me to!!!! And, she pays me rent!! WTF??? Is that crazy?? I 've rubbed one out so many times in the last 4 days I cant keep track!! tonight, I was on longhairforum, rubbin out anothr one....and she came down the stairs, after just washing and blow drying her hair, all fresh, and had her back to me while she was making a cup of hot chocalatein the kitchen, which is oppisite of my office,
and I totally did my business while she was stirring the choclate!!! Then I put it back away real quick, and she walks over and says good night, and walks back up stairs, her hair swishing all over her little ass!!!
Man,,,, I'm dying here!!! Just thought you guys would all love to hear about it!! Oh, And Mexico is still happening!!!! C ya!