Re: First long hair orgasm?

by tresskothick

for me its a very very young age story. as much as I can remember, it was the day, when I don't know to take bath properly myself. my mom or the babysitter usually made me undressed and bathed.

on that, time I don't know why, my little dick got sense when ever I saw(by window) a neighbor girl with long hair opened. She is around 15 years elder than I. and that time she was on her foxy days. she still has below back hair. but now grayed.

now, I understand, it was hair fetish. but on those days, I was completely unknown why my little was growing. although no discharge was there, but an unexpressed feelings. I don't know, I enjoy that feelings or not.

I was enjoyed her very much in my teen age. every sunday, she shampoo her hair and come on to their roof to dry her hair in hot sun. My room is in first floor, and I came behind my room window, opening it just 1 or 2 inches, viewing her hair and masturbate Tongue Sticking Out