1st,,what is a BETA?
new meaning=_____________..
old meaning= what we rednecks dew to our ol'ladyz. 'beat-uh' fer aktin up er cuttin er har.
lol, seriously,,,,,glad u got the 'test version' ready.
2nd,,what is copyrite?
and more important!! how dew i git ahold of domino
to get a, said, copywrite[and a date].
seriously,,,u will have to be more pacific.
dew ''free internet samples'' count??
[i'm really cumfused, on that one]
xxxample: the redhead suckin the bananna belongs to teenflood
[eyez got the HOLE, members sexxxion, story]
dew i have to go to the courthouse and
get a copyright on my streetshots and
then get written concent frum the subjects
to post their pics on the internet?????
although anya has said ''don't post my pics''
eyez sea her at most every yahoo group i join.
[and for good reason she is uploaded to these sites, uno. she's world famous]
seriously,,,,no really...
ninja, we have talked about
'hotlinking' before.
you told me that if someone complained, to you,
that you would say ''sorry'' and remove the pics [link, in ela's case]
that no one has ever complained
[azz of last year when you told me that].
nuff said [allmost]
i'm, really, mad about the kazaa thang and takin it out on you..sorry..
thar's a big difference between selling and giving.
my point=
how/what can i contribute to your upload site?
would u make your fonts bigger, here, for us old men