Re: Streetshots - Updates...

by Anya

Hi Ninja Kiss

I think it's great that you want to take the time out of your schedule to contribute to the people here who love long hair; very few people 'create' anything of their own, but ask for a lot. You know what I mean. Straight Face

BUT, in my opinion (and take it for what it's worth ), I'd suggest blurring the woman's face where it's clearly visible. What some folks find as harmless admiration, others don't. Imagine if someone that knows her were to tell her they saw her on the internet.. she could:

a. be very scared & feel she's being stalked

b. be very angry and/or embarrassed

c. get totally freaked out & end up cutting her hair off since that's what landed her on (unknowingly) on the internet in the first place.

I know of a few long nail guys who have no issues asking a woman if they can take their picture, yet some are terrified that they may be seen as some sort of pervert or freak. I imagine some of the long hair fellows feel the same way; a fetish isn't the sort of thing many people shared with one another before the internet & the safety of anonymity. There's still many guys out there who, until recently discovering hair groups via the 'net, per se, thought they were alone in their fetish & feel more comfortable sharing their 'desires' for long hair with other men, rather than the women who possess it due to fear of rejection, etc. So I guess I can understand why some guys just don't come out and ask a woman if they can take their picture.

(I'm rambling, sorry)

But if it were me, I'd much rather someone ask me if they could take my picture, rather than possibly finding out later that pictures were taken that I wasn't aware of. That would indeed scare me & make me feel like I'd been stalked and/or violated in some way.

But if you don't wanna risk asking for fear of what a woman might say/do, *I* still think you should refrain from showing the lady's face, just out of consideration for her privacy.

Kiss Kiss Kiss

