
by pc

ninja,,i'll mod.........i ain't scerd to click/delete this shit.

this is how wolfman is going to dew it:

[though, we haven't needed to delete anythang at PCs]


We've had some dealings now. U post and I delete them. Well, that's not working fer me cause u post more. So I shall take it upon myself to stop u another way. I shall enter your house via your computer (a power I recieved from shaking Bill Gates' hand) and then steal all of the food from your fridge, but that's not all. On your fridge I shall post postits telling of the vast wonderful food just waiting inside. When you tear off a postit three shall take it's place. And when u open the door . . .nothing will be there.

Then to make sure you never post spam here again I will attack your computer with the Craftsman Hammer Virus. Not a wide used virus fer Window users but I hear Mac users usually self inflicted damage to their computers with it (fer more hxxp:// It attacks the computer from the outside in rather than the other way around. Next I will follow up the CHV with the M80 virus. Illegal in some states (namely mine dammit), but there are various surrounding places I could get some. Sadly the Gas Stove Virus would be a no no, way too much property damage. With your pc damage to FUBAR there would be no way you could post spam. Thank U.

(Disclaimer: Wolfman is in no way really going to do any of this. He just thought it was funny at the time. The power expressed in this letter from Wolfman shaking Bill Gates hand is Pat. Pend.. Wolfman never really shook Bill Gates' hand.)


anywho,,u allready turned me,,never mind.................

repo? [hell, eyez fur git]

repo [maybee, not here]

great fake


speekin of

speekin of [hope dis is fake,,BUTT,,imagine~~~~~~~~~]
