Help: telling my wife

by Lint

Hello fellow hair lovers.

I'm pretty much a lurker here because I'm afraid of people's reaction to this fetish.

There currently is one person who knows about my hair fetish. We kinda dated years back and she let me cum in her hair. But she had short hair when we did it.

Currently I'm almost 6 years together with my wife (almost 3 years married). She doesn't know about this. I once mentioned I had a weak spot for long hair but nothing more. She has beautiful thick hair but it's currently shoulder length because she finds it too heavy and impractical. Not going to post pictures, sorry.

I really feel like I should tell her but I'm terrified for her reaction. She's the type that would go like "hell no!! You're not putting cum in my hair!!"

Also I'm afraid she might think I'll get sexually aroused by our daughters hair at one point. Which I'm pretty damn sure won't happen as that's totally different for me.

Does anyone here have experience telling their partner about this fetish while knowing she won't be into it?

its not that I expect her to go along with it but I just want to stop keeping a secret for her.