

WHY on earth would you post that here??? This forum has NOTHING to do with my site. NOTHING. Especially if you get yourself banned from it.

If you are a member and you encounter this, it means one of two things.

You've exceeded the daily 20GB of bandwidth/downloading allotted for each member


You've used too many different IP addresses to access your account. After the max number is exceeded, you're blocked for 24 hours. If it's discovered that you're sharing the password, then you're blocked and banned forever. NO second chances there. Sorry.

I see that I do have one member banned at the moment, and my security system tells me it is due to the member exceeding the daily bandwidth allowance. In that case your account is blocked until midnight my server time. At that time the block is lifted. I don't know if it is YOU, but if it is, then that's why you're blocked.

Trying to access it via a proxy server won't work either. Not only is your IP blocked, the entire account is non accessible until the block is lifted by the system. It's only fair to the other members.

There is a support page on my site if you have a problem, don't bring it here.
