Hot IRL moment & hot dream moment

by yolodahoboda


(I'm surprised that I haven't told you guys this story, but better late than never!) Sometime during this past summer, I was hanging out with one of my best friends. She has really nice blonde wavy ass-length hair that she lets me play with pretty frequently. Just playing with hair doesn't get me going, so I'm always kinda iffy about saying "I have a hair fetish," but regardless she doesn't know that being whipped/tickled with hair is insanely hot to me. (She knows I'm really into being tickled though.) It was a hot day so we thought it smart to go to a café and get some cold drinks. The line in the café was packed pretty tightly - not uncomfortably tightly, like I wasn't pressed up against her, but she was probably a foot or less in front of me. Her hair was down, but she decided to put it up in a ponytail. As she was tossing her hair around to get it into a ponytail, it pretty predictably started lightly whipping me in the face. I made a comment like "you keep whipping me in the face with your hair," which I expected her to just laugh off and think nothing of. However, once she finished putting it up, she intentionally and at full force whipped me in the face with her ponytail, before glancing back at me and saying "you like it." I'm sure she just meant it as a casual flirt, but it felt amazing, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I remembered it a few days ago.


This is a dream I had last night, and it's essentially the same plot of the IRL moment, presumably because I've been thinking about that moment so much recently. It involved a different girl I know, who has curly auburn hair that I recently realized has reached her mid-back. In the dream, I was sitting next to her on a couch, but we were both facing enough towards the same direction that her back was facing me, and her ponytail was somewhat close to my face. Now, what's funny is, I don't actually think her hair was accidentally whipping me, but regardless, I said, "I don't know if it's intentional or not, but you keep whipping me in the face with your hair." I think dream me has realized from IRL experience that this is a good technique to get someone to whip you with their hair (xD), and sure enough, she started actually whipping me in the face and neck with her ponytail. She then, with her ponytail pressed up against my neck, started tickling my neck through her hair. Dream me, and I assume IRL me as well, got very aroused. Then I think I either woke up or moved on to a different dream or something, but it was hot while it lasted, and of course, because it was a dream, I could "feel" her hair on me.