
by roger Website: Ltress - Marrianne's ponytail unravell

good advice!

except I loathe templates!

sadly the long hair content is arriving at me so fast I dont have time to tidy!

often I update 3 or 4 times A DAY! (some long hair sites struggle with once a month!)

in fact its just got worse!

just added sample video of Marrianne's (hugely popular model from Germany at Ltress) ponytail unravelling

its now even more messy Laughing

(hopefully the new Gold Club will produce funds to give Marrianne a lot more contracts - Marrianne is available but I have been unable to give her a contract for a very long time)

back to the mess


I am designing the upcoming

asian silky hair

It is SO neat!!! (templates EVERYWHERE!)

so I can do it neat when I want

in respect I suppose, at being in the presence of so many stunning models with knee length or longer hair Tongue Sticking Out
