Unique hair video

by Anonymouser

kinky story lines here, the video is great, with great price to half the priced. the guy weds her hair.


Sweety, my hairlover, I know that you love my hair, but how much do you really love it? How special is its length, scent, silkiness and uniqueness to you? I'm a special creature Derek, no other woman can compare! maybe a sexy high ponytail can help you convey your love for my mane... My hair is proposed to! I accept, tie engagement cloth around my high ponytail, and proceed to make my vows to you, my hairlover, my hair husband. and now, Hairlover, we must now consummate this marriage, the final step of proving your love for my mane. Hair fucking. I thought this day would never come, but it has and so must you ~ on my hair. I LOVED filming this video. Derek,Thank you so much for the opportunity!! I'll always be your very special Rapunzel!!