Re: Re: Re: Re: Thick long hair on a man - Hey Loveitlong

by TJ

If you don't have the luxury of time or just my never see him again, just throw it out there...

what have you got to lose...

No need to be embarrassed if he wasn't interested... at least you tried.


If it's a situation where you now you'll have continued contact, even just in a Walmart, I would start slow and keep planting that seed. Start with easy questions... how long have you been growing it... do women seem jealous (I love that one)... what kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use...etc... ANYTHING to keep talking about his hair.

He'll already know you're interested... and if he's gay or bi, and likes your looks, he may initiate the first move (how lucky that would be!!)

And if he's engaging you and not turned off or looking at you like a perv, ask if you could touch it....

Like... "I've always loved long hair, but have never seen hair so beautiful and a guy.... would you mind if I touched it?"

If he say yes, or go ahead, really take your time... let him know by touch how much you're enjoying it.

Go from there... really, it's no different than talking to a woman with killer hair.

I'm older, so I have to be careful when I talk to women about their hair, especially younger ones...

they just see an "old pervert"... but a guy with that same hair doesn't get hit on the same way... at all...

He'll probably be flattered... and more likely to engage you because of that...

Just go for it... all that dick sucking will come if it's supposed to... but ya gotta start somewhere...

Been there done that... just sayin'
