Re: Cool it Anya

by Anya Website: Anya

I'm sorry, but I do take things very personally when someone gives a totally uninformed and utterly incorrect 'opinion' where it involves me (or someone I care for).

I'm human, and being a woman who's taken years to reach the level I'm at, I'm very *female* about these things.

When I mentioned 'sacrifice' in my earlier post, I couldn't possibly emphasize that to the degree that it deserves.

There is a lot of sacrifice is keeping long hair healthy; every chemical made for hair is scrutinized, normal household chores can pose a danger (vacuum with my hair down?? Noooooo way!), types of brushes/combs become issues to help preserve the hair, recreation (ride a bike like any normal person? Nope. And good luck with wearing a helmet over a bun! lol), even sleeping has to be done a certain way so you're not tangling yourself up.

And of course, the comments from people I love so much (I hear this a lot on cam):

Are you going to donate your hair to Locks of Love? Straight Face

Um, not *just* No, but Hell no! Angry

People tend to see things in weird ways and feel that if you can grow it, then give it away to someone who needs it more. No way, not me. I make monetary donations to help people, they don't need my hair too.

There's many, many other situations and comments that I, and other ladies have to deal with for being 'different', but we do what we do out of love for our hair (in this case), and since it comes from the heart, maybe you can see how we might 'take things to heart' as well.


