Hello anyone like to chat about woman with long hair??
I would love to do it useing AOL Instant Messenger.
Is allso called A.I.M for anyone short of time...
My "Aim" or "Username", "screenname" IS: longhairpetting
I like that username Instant Messenger name.
Its so me becouse i do love to pet long hair..
Varry much so...
I love all kinds of hair as long as it is past the sholders..
I talked to 7 users from this fourm.
6 guys and one woman that was a weeks lady on tlhs.org.
She was nice..
Gr8 hair...
Hope me and her talk soon..
I.M me sometime if your reading this..
I allso like to get E-mails where we can talk about hair and send photos in E-mails my E-mail is:
You got to make yourself stand out and not use spam like words in the e-mails not till i add you to my list of allways let in e-mails....
I will not talk about hair cutting of anykind at all what so ever at all