pic uploaders >>>>

by pc

ninja's host has a daily bandwidth limit.

buster, george and you others are posting the best stuff


the mega pic post are killing our alotted bandwidth, hair.

when all i get is redXboxxxes i have to remember

the post that didn't load and remember to click them later.

i have crs,,,,bad.

please, give ninja a break [and me] and upload your pics to

wait, let me do a test upload b4 u use > xs.to/

and imageark.net/ is where i keep my medication


doesn't have a .jpg on the end


no hotlinky, hair


anyboody else no anudderudder pic host site that will hotlink, hair???

[i tested 4 b4 eyez found that one and it may go dead, 2. errrr]

[sendmepic went dead...damn. i had a lot of pics, thar]

and b4 anyboody says ''got any more of that ^ babe'' the answer is yes.

i zipped the best of and uploaded them to

turboupload.com [70mb limit]

credit goes to mark/fflh/the guy that some of ya'll ran off, hair.

d.turboupload.com/d/85299/zip.zip.html 22pix=4.6mbs=purfect hair

you could do this ^ to, uno.

thanks 4 your time/attention/forum cumsideration
