[a post frum PCs]
supertif01.skyblog.com/index.html [link frum palu]
did use'guyz know u can save those pics>
pics/237507888.gif added to supertif01.skyblog.com/ =
if you click 'view',,then,,'source' [and scroll down]
you will see stuff like
div class="image-container" style="float: left;"
a href="photo.html?pics/167060791.jpg&rose"
toolbar=no,resizable=yes'); return false;"
[it, ussually says 'image src=' just b4 the pic/.jpg]
pics/167060791.jpg is what u r lookin for. add it to supertif01.skyblog.com/
to make the link look like
ht tp://supertif01.skyblog.com/pics/167060791.jpg
cents the pic, allready, loaded, for me,,,,i deleted my
temp internet files and then tested said link/pic at hb's
he said 'hell yea, she's purty.... hot link that sucka''
yes,,it's a hassell,,BUTT,,it's the only quick way, ino, 2 save
un-saveable/no right-click pics