Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or Not

by Mike James

Well, my story is a little different. I not ony like the pictures, I like the real thing. And I had my stash discovered. And yes, Huge blowup!

It felt to her that she's not good enough or pretty enough, and it really hurt her feelings. Not good for her or for the relationship. I threw it all out to keep the peace, and then we started talking openly about it for the first time. And we went to a therapist, not to 'cure' me but to help us understand each other and talk without fighting. It was helpful.

Years later, we have reached an understanding. I have a collection, and I have a favorite yahoo group, and I spend time on the internet. She doesn't like it but she knows it's her I love, and she doesn't hassle me. She doesn't want to ever see it, and it can't be in our house, and if she thinks I'm spending too much time with you guys, she'll let me know that she misses me, and wants more time with me.

She has also grown her hair longer, and she is happy to delight me with it when we make love.

So I've tried keeping it a secret and I've tried being open with it. Open has worked much better for me, but that's because of who I am and who she is. don't take advice. You've gotta work it out for yourself.