
by Anya

Howdy no Lemme address what you said here:

*I agree with you on some points, you make some good ones. But of course you would be on these mens side, they pay you to pose for them, thats how you make your living. And of course they will be on your side too, because you do what they want.

-Not exactly, I do what *I* want. The last thing I ever wanna be remembered as is just a head of hair. Those who've gotten to know me, know I'm much more than that.

*Sure I look at good looking men too, out on the street or on tv (with their clothes on), but I'd never go any farther than that, that is just wrong, Ask Jesus, as someone mentioned earlier that their wife wouldn't even listen to Jesus' explanation.

I give up, no one said they are going to change, or stop. I said, It hurts us women. Looking with the womens OR mens, clothes on is one thing, looking with them off, is another. They will never understand the hurt and neither will women who tease them with their pictures understand the hurt we go through.

-I'm not sure what it is you're 'giving up' on, no. No one here is saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do... your concerns and your fears are real to you, and that's all that should matter. However, you're not going to change anyone's mind here, if that's what you originally set out to do. Looking at someone clothed or not, lust IS lust. A person doesn't have to be naked to be lusted after.

*And I REPEAT, there is nothing wrong with looking at long hair, doesn't anyone see that I am writing that?

-I don't think anyone's arguing with you on this point. But consider the nature of a fetish. It's not some predisposed conscious decision to desire something more than another. If your husband developed some obscene obsession for chocolate, are you gonna go after Hershey's and demand they change their wrappers so as to make it less appealing? Do you realize the hair fetish is but a very small fetish in the grand scheme of all fetishes? It's minute compared to many. The fellows on this board know what they like, even though some may not even know why they like it... it just is. I'm sure the women they encounter on the street with long hair aren't running around naked, however it doesn't diminish the desire. So, your point about clothed vs non clothed is sorta moot here. Lust is lust, desire is desire.

*Like I said, my husband is painfully jealous and would have a fit if some guy wanted to see me naked, so why does he get the right to do the same thing with someone else. I think this is the end of my relationship with him, because I am tired of being watched or having him want to fight with some guy for looking at me, and it happens alot, it kind of gets sickening after awhile, but then he turns around and does this. I don't have to put up with it. And I won't.

-That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship at all, no. Obviously your problem with him doesn't really have to do with any hair fetish, it just has to do with him & his insecurities. Only you know what you have and if it's worth hanging on to or letting go. I do wish you the best in your situation. Life's too short to be unhappy.

