[while zip loaded,,eyez was beesee]
i, just, ran over a nest of yellow jackets [bees]
on my tractor, while mowing.
1st one hit my eye lid, i swatted it and
knocked my glasses off.
i killed the tractor and ran like hell.
i couldn't out run them.
back at the house, 1/4 mile, wifie helped me
kill the last 10, r so, still, swarming me..
too many stings to count,,,
too benadryl [antihistamin] and with
one eye swollen shut,,,,,STILL,,,,,''eye'' gotta thank you, red.
that was a gr8 set of my size pics.
you can stop lol, now, and notice that ^ shadow..no-glasses 'eye' did...........
[i'll get my glasses and tractor after dark..guess 'eye' will surf,,till then]