[have you ever heard ''i use foxfire and had no problems?'']
i'm a mod/admin at 8 forums. [not counting sub-forums]
75% of our surfers/posters use internet exxxploder
i do to.
[ino foxfire is better,,BUTT,,i'm lookin out for my friends safety]
i do thank you for that foxfire imput, though.
i'm shore it helped udders....
75% of our surfers or on dial-up, 2.
[5 of these pics loaded b4 the 'timed out' thingy]
i copied your links, viewed the thumbs and LOVED the pix i saved.
thanks, red..grr8 post......[ass ussual]
btw: u can hide your e-mail addy at PCs, now, when you register or on your profile page. [please cum n lurk]