hair's 2 hj's

by pc

you will have to copy n paste it


or,,just click hair



i'm not promoting my forum.

i don't make a dime, out of it. never will...

i,,just,,want everboody [like me r knot] to see all of the longhair they can

in their alotted surf time,,including me.......that's y eyez hair, at ninja's.

[u can pay me/us back in pix/clips, hair r thair...eyez/wheez don't care..just,,call it ''share'']

personaly,,,eyez lookin for the girl of my dreams [what are you looking for? topic??]

light bulb

personal problemo that, perhaps ya'll can help me with:

''You describe me? Why? I'm curious, if you don't mind elaborating on it.''

i really ment it,,BUTT,,i popped off and told LEONA,

in a personal message [pm], at PCs,,

that if i had to describe how the girl of my dreams wood look, that

she wood look like her.

my question is:

did i say that rong? [doesn't she have a mirror??]

now,,i'm skerd to reply..


tell me what to say b4 i include: perfect hair/eyez/lips/silowet/hair/nose/neck/hair/BUTT,,don't tell her i asked 4 advice/ur words..ok.?.
