Re: Penny at Ltress

like i just told qawwal:

this is how to get to PCs:

go to

at very top of page , click REGISTER.

[next page]

user registration

Register a Global User Account



To register, just fill out the two sections below, agree to our terms and click the "Register My Global Account" button. You will then be sent an email with account validation instructions.

Desired User Name [minimum 5 characters]

Desired Password [minimum 5 characters]

Enter Desired Password Again

[remember/notepad this shit. bout once a month u will

get a 're-enter your shit' page]

Your Secret Question [just 1 answer]

Choose something only you know... My first pet's name?[m.doria]

The city was I born in?[bumfuck]


Email Address [give 1 you can go check, right then]

Enter Email Address Again [i have had no spam frum ezboards]

First Name[whatever, they don't care]

Last Name ['']

Address ['']

City [,,BUTT,, here,,they will check to sea if zip'code matches]

[grab any peice of junk mail at put 'that' there]

Zip Code US Residents Only

State or Province

Birth Month / Birth Year [over 18,,duh]

ex: 09/75 Gender

Male Female [both?lol!]

[uncheck this]

Yes! I want to receive messages and special offers from ezboard's advertising partners.

[check this]

Please read our Terms of Use and check the box below if you agree to the terms.

[click] Register My Global Account

they will instantly send you a e-mail.

it will have a link you have to click to

activate your account. [it will add the cookies you need to

get into PCs.]

hassell,,,eye no,,BUTT,, your 1 click away,,SEW,, add

this url to your favorites list. [or the general discussion page]

[this 'join' thang really does help keep

the spammerz out and sites can't follow u

back to PCs. cool,huh.]


the New And Improved 'NINJA'S' will bee the same way!!

1st time there u maybee asked 4 your

user name/password

and to beecum an active member

you need to make a

''HOWDY,,i made it'' post

''here's the, 1,000, Michele Doria pics that everyboody

has been looking for!'' yea,,,right,,,eyez wish,,LOL

great PENNY update.

her hair is the ultiment eye candy.
