Miss Universe Rocks! (video)

by max2

Ok, so I lied, lol! She is only a "former" Miss Universe and this isnt really a concert. Its a simulated concert within an indian movie. This extremely fast moving clip casts a former Miss Universe as the lead singer in a pop/rock band. So, you're asking by now, why in the hell should you download this thing anyway, lol? I mean, this aint no Rock n Roll forum, lol!! Well maybe because it is 27mb of nearly constant flying hair (to short for some I admit) and hair in the face. It is ungodly sexy with very catchy music and its no wonder this former miss universe went on to stardom in her own country. If you like stunning women, flying hair and rock music give this one a whirl! Vid to follow! Caps in this case are a poor indicator of quality and amount of hair action.