Hello there!
Maybe you remember i made a yahoo group about hair in mouth addiction (or fetish, you can call it as you prefer) but i started it in a wrong way....
I started it as a place where to upload photos or videos, but now i understand it HASN'T to be so!
Now this group is, first of all, a place where people can share the same fetish, can share stories, experiences, impressions and, why not, also photos or videos... but especially i'd like to create a nice community and not a simple yahoo group...
Now i deleted all the spam messages, activated some spam filters and rearranged the photos and the videos... so the group is ready for re-born!
Then... if you like hair-in-mouth thing (a girl must have long hair to do that, so i'm not off-topic here
) join on groups.yahoo.com/group/hairinmouth ...
Oh, and i'm also looking for help to manage the group, so if someone is interested, let me know, ok?
(Sorry for my bad english)