gr8 clip...loved the shadows/hair...thanks...
personaly,,when i want to save a utube clip,,i add to to my favs and
it will be ready to review..ennietime..
cap,,,copy this
and put it in the box,,hair
i get error's,,quite often,,BUTT,,sooner r later,,it works. [saves it ass a .avi file]
is about the same thing. [add utube link in box]
you right-click/save ass where it says >> Download Link (.flv - Flash Video)
add .flv to the file you get
note: it loads them as 'unknown' files untill you add .flv
if you don't have a .flv player,,hair's a free one.
click download and run.
when installing it,,uncheck all the opptions that cost money. [demo's]
the player is all you need.
.flv files will,,now,,play when you double click them.
firefox has an add-on that does the same thing ass ^ [i don't use/like firefox]
cap,,translator,,if needed..ino,,i'm a hard read..