bad news mail

i desided not to rejoin Leona's, for now

and posted this at my forum:

Leona , bottom line.

i won't be rejoining your site due to lack of different content.

no offence,,BUTT,, each of your series look the same.

different clothes and scenery,,BUTT,, the same.

i saved 1 pic out of your recent update.

should you deside to ''loosen-up'', and i don't

mean nude, i would consider rejoining.

please don't be mad and expecially don't

leave PCs. everybody loves you.

thar. i said it.


she pulled her pcsforum.jpg pic hummmmmmmmm

I'z sorry guy's. least, trich got my point.

''Telling Leona that her site is in a bit of a rut is constructive criticism, not an insult. If she had more variety, maybe I would join. ''

i haven't talked to leona ,yet,,BUTT,,she

need time to let what i said 'soke'in', first.

i want her to succeed and be the #1 woman

on the internet,,,,REALLY!

i've made suggestions. ya'll could to, uno.

she said she reads my post so she can see how a

man thinks. if she could figure that one out,

she could be #1. lol [yea, if i could finger'out women, RICH]

i only want the best for the women that visit

our forums, everybody should know that .


todays mail:

Let me tell you something pc...I don't know WHO the hell you think you are, but how DARE you criticize Leona's format to your "captured" audience when she and I have BOTH bent over backward to accomodate YOU ...and your LOUSY STINKING SMUT BOARD !!

Our site is fresh and NEW.....we WILL get BETTER and STRONGER !!

THEN, to make matters worse, you removed the critical remarks about YOUR comments ! How dare "anyone" criticize poor little PC.........??

We have established an INCREDIBLY strong members base in a VERY short amount of time...yet you won't even allow US the courtesy of a little time to establish a FORMAT from which we CAN AND WILL diversify......NO, you would rather go off and criticize...and are too LITTLE yourself to put yourself in such a role. And you've been bounced around and beat up enough by posters all over the internet that you would THINK you would GROW UP. !

We are both DONE with YOU and your stinking SMUT BOARD.....go enjoy yourself, and your friends.....but cut the CRAP comments about Leona...AND my website.



frum me note pad:

mail money order to:


P.O. Box 2079

Vero Beach, Florida 32961


i've been getting 6 to 10 emails a day

frum ''people'' wanting to join

my msn thang. we know this is bullshit.

1 guy at ninja's wanted in sew i let him.

if anyone wants in, ASK ME HERE because

i'm deleting the emails azz if they were spam.

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i'm done
