to Miss Leona

by old street cat

I think I need to explain myself. I just meant that You and Miss Marianne and others do not only have beautiful hair. But You all are attractive (in a complete way). I think I made myself clear in other comments, like for instance in my own group Woman and Art; it is clear that no single hair on my head wants to blame You.

Abd wuth the 'so-called hir divas', I just meant that for me not only the hair is important, but Your entire appearence. I do not think there could be something wrong with such an opinion ! And please read also the other comments also in this site, where I defend You all when I think I should do so.

I hope that I have sufficiently explained myself. Nothing to feel blamed by me. On the contrary. As I read Your reaction on my message I was quite astonished.

Sincere greetz