First: Excuse me for my removable english - and correct me, if I haven't discovered the solution for the following problem:
WHY - do you post your updates here, if NO FREE-USERS can watch them? o.O
Do you think, if there are NO FULL-previews (could be AT LEAST lil more than a few), we join your club?
I think, its too risky and - believe me, I think that your a great damn, wonder- and beautiful actress - please stop this or change your strategy!
PS: for example ~ FoxyAnya has changed her site - NOW there are sadly 3 videos and 6 previewfotos - before the designchange - you were able to look at many fotos - and now? THERE IS FOXY'S BLOG !!!
every beginning in the month - a new will be released ~ and they are longer and more intimate than last time.
GREAT compromise!
you see?