eyez interested, dew tale

it's great to know u have a longhair wife.

[u lucky s o b]

YES, tell us a tail.

note: the guys at Joebob's called

Penny ''an old lady''.

i said

The best i ever had:

i was 25

she was 35

nuff said

no,,let me add this:

the older u get

the numbers of women that are attractive increase.

i'm 50. my wife 41.

i don't think,,BUTT,,i may be rong:

no way a 60 yr ol could beat my 41r

[r even get the chance]

wifies hair used to cum to where i'm pointing


now it's this long and looks the same

[just not attractive, short]

[any boody want a 2foot ponytail. grrrr.. I DON"T]
