Gosh Chris, that's always been a tough one for me.
Every year at Thanksgiving, my siblings and I (and their spouses) draw names to see who's buying a Christmas gift for whom. I have like 10 nieces & nephews and they get gifts from all the adults regardless, so we siblings just draw names (I'm one of seven kids---my mom was/is kinda nuts)
Anyway, they always ask what I want, and I never have a good answer. I always opt for something simple like a Barnes & Noble gift card, or Best Buy gift card... easy stuff like that... $25 would suffice for me. I look at it this way, if I really need/want something, I buy it MYSELF, I don't like feeling like I'm putting anyone out, I know times are tough.
But I digress, though I'm sure you've enjoyed my prologue here thus far hehe
Anyway, and I know this is going to sound really sappy, but hey, you asked... the things I want are basically $ free.
I want myself and those I love to be happy and healthy for always.
I want Leona and I to be the people we were a few months ago (no further elaboration on that)
Other than that, well, I wanna be taller, younger, and in perfect shape forever and forever.
Oh, and I want the metabolism of a 10 year old so I can eat anything I've ever wanted and not gain an ounce.
Well, that's about it.