I got to touch a wones hair

by Voyager

This true story is for Chris or anyone that shares Chris Phylosophy.

I work in a retail enviroment. Many cashiers and department employees.

There was a girl that wore her hair up under a cap. The only thing I noticed was that her hair was a pretty auburn color. About thre weeks later for some unkown reason she went to a salon an had her hair redied and washed and cut. Well the next day she had her hair down and everyone noticed it. Her hair was to the middle of her shoulder blades and full and thick and straight. Everyone complimented her on the beauty of her hair. Two days later I by chance happen to punch in for work behind her. I could not keep my eyes off her hair. It was so shiny and silky looking, like ready for someone to run their finger through. She went to the sales floor and I was right behind her when I got the notion to reach up and run my fingers through her hair. It was so soft and silky I got a hard on. At the same time I told her "I could not resist touching her beautiful hair and if she ever wanted someone to brush it that I was her man. As I was saying this I ran my fingers through her hair several times. She looked at me and said "why did you stop feeling my hair? I love having my hair played with." That was my first contact. Now everytime I showed up when she is there she would make a point to come over to me and say "I wore my hair down just for you willl you run your fingers thru it for me."

Once I found out how easy it was to feel girls hair, i started working on two other girls. One is blonde and the other is brunett. The blonde has shoulder length hair but it is so silky "OMG". I love just stroking it for the feel. The brunett has butt length hair and every time she wears it down the comes over and tells me to grab a handfull and paly with it.

The other day apparently the auburn girl has seen me play with other girls hair and came over while I was working at a standup computer station.I was very focused on this order . Well she bent down like she was gong to get someting off a bottom shelf and she started rubbing my arm with her hair. She must have rubbeed 3 or 4 times before I caught on that she wanted my attention on her hair. I started laughing and asked her "how low do you go dusting off things." Her reply was "whatever it takes to have you play in my hair."

This is the end so far but the rest will cum !

My point on this is: Do not be scared to compilment a gorl on her hair. They love it. It makes them feel something special to you, that you noticed and you care about the beauty of the hair. I even have customers that I have said the same thing to and everytime they come in their hair is down waiting for me to just stroke it and tell them how beautiful it is to feel.